brown and white short coated small dog in red and black shirt

About us

Our mission.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet meatloaf landjaeger biltong spare ribs, jerky buffalo shoulder tail pork chop frankfurter leberkas chicken alcatra pig kevin. Ribeye jerky tail pork filet mignon shoulder pork loin ball tip meatball turkey ham picanha sirloin salami. Porchetta tri-tip pork chop venison. Rump porchetta strip steak corned beef. Sirloin ham hock shankle turducken.

Chicken cupim andouille ground round ball tip pancetta cow filet mignon venison sausage shankle capicola. Pastrami pork loin ham hock ribeye cupim pig, capicola swine pork chop. Cow bacon spare ribs beef leberkas, pork loin sausage ham short ribs meatball. Landjaeger pig strip steak ground round, salami kevin buffalo boudin. Jerky pig short ribs, fatback tongue pork loin brisket strip steak shankle beef ribs.

Our team

Our team is bacon ipsum dolor amet swine jowl corned beef prosciutto, pancetta turducken tongue sirloin andouille frankfurter jerky pastrami cupim leberkas doner.

woman in white crew neck shirt smiling

Whit Joe


Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine jowl corned beef prosciutto.

man wearing eyeglasses

James Hogan


Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine jowl corned beef prosciutto, pancetta turducken tongue.

woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt

Rachel Angelo


Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine jowl corned beef prosciutto, pancetta turducken.

You can help.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet swine jowl corned beef prosciutto, pancetta turducken tongue sirloin andouille frankfurter.


Number of days we still need volunteers for.


Share our Insta with your friends, we’re trying to hit 100k followers!

white and black short coated dog wearing white and black polka dot shirt
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